SCOPE: The Landlord intends to maintain the Building as a first-class office building and all personnel shall be of the highest quality possible. All personnel shall be uniformed and identifiable with a security-type badge. The cleaning contractor shall furnish all labor, supplies, materials, equipment, supervision and perform satisfactorily the services at the frequencies and during the times specified. The services shall include all functions normally considered a part of workmanlike janitorial services. The Building Management reserves the right to modify these specifications at any time. The contract for this assignment shall include a thirty (30) day cancellation clause.
- Lobby:
- Daily Services (Including Loading Dock and Service Area)
- Clean and polish all floors, door frames, thresholds, door hardware, glass, walls and directory board.
- Empty all waste receptacles and cigarette urns (in non-combustible containers).
- Sweep exterior entrances.
- Vacuum and/or sweep walk-off mats.
- Dust window ledges.
- High dust all ledges as necessary.
- Clean and dust balconies.
- Daily Services (Including Loading Dock and Service Area)
- Office Areas:
- Daily Services
- Empty all waste receptacles, clean, if necessary.
- Empty all ashtrays (in non-combustible containers) and clean.
- Waste paper and trash shall be removed to the main disposal area. (Only the freight elevator shall be used for this task).
- Dust or damp mop all non-carpeted floors.
- All non-carpeted floors shall be maintained in a clean and polished condition at all times and will be stripped waxed and buffed as necessary to maintain a high-standard of appearance.
- Vacuum carpets and spot clean including under the desks, tables, etc. Special attention shall be given to removing paper clips, staples, pencil shavings, rubber bands, cigarette butts, etc.
- Dust all furniture, files, coat racks and ledges - including the base of chairs and other hidden areas.
- Damp wipe desk tops, phones and tables to remove spillage, finger marks, etc.
- Spot clean walls.
- Sanitize and polish all drinking fountains.
- Remove finger marks and smudges from doors, door frames, walls and light switches.
- Dust a portion of venetian blinds so that all are dusted once a week.
- Clean tenant kitchenettes including maintaining floors in a polished condition and high dust.
- Clean interior glass partitions.
- Weekly Services
- Dust all vertical surfaces - door frames, desks, files, window mullions, etc.
- Dust horizontal services above 70".
- Dust window sills.
- Whisk or vacuum furniture.
- Semi-Annually
- Clean light lenses.
- Vacuum air vents in walls and ceilings.
- Dust all high-hat light fixtures.
- Daily Services
- Corridors/Stairwells
- Daily Services
- Vacuum and spot clean all carpeted areas.
- Spot clean corridor walls.
- Police and sweep all stairwell floors.
- Spot clean all doors, light switches, push plates, handles, etc.
- Clean and polish, including stripping, waxing and buffing, all nonĀ carpeted corridor floors as necessary to maintain a high-standard of appearance.
- Weekly Services
- Mop all stairs and landings.
- Wipe down stairwell railing, piping, mechanical boxes, etc.
- Dust.
- Semi-Annual Services
- Clean light lenses.
- Vacuum air vents in walls and ceilings.
- Dust all pipes, fire connections, exit signs, etc.
- Daily Services
- Toilet Rooms:
- Daily Services
- Floors to be swept and wet mopped with germicide solution.
- Sanitize commodes, urinals and wash basins - commode seats to be left in up position.
- Clean and polish all glass, mirrors, shelving, dispensers chrome fixtures (above and below the counters, pipes, sink bowls, etc.
- Spot clean all walls and partitions.
- Traps shall be maintained free from odor at all times.
- Wall surfaces, tile, doors, window frames, sills and waste receptacles shall be kept clean at all times.
- Replenish all paper towels, toilet tissues, sanitary napkins and soap dispensers.
- Quarterly
- Wash and sanitize tile walls and booth partitions.
- Dust vents.
- Clean light lenses.
- Daily Services
- Elevators
- Daily Services
- Clean and polish railings, buttons, emergency telephone, ceiling and elevator track.
- Vacuum carpets and spot clean.
- Spot clean walls as necessary.
- Clean and polish railings, buttons, emergency telephone, ceiling and elevator track.
- Daily Services
- Day Porter and Maids
- Daily Services
Contractor will provide day porters or maids as requested to be billed
separately from the night cleaning. Duties will include the following:
- Keep lobby area clean.
- Police and restock restrooms.
- Police tenant kitchen.
- Police exterior grounds.
- Keep lobby area clean.
- Daily Services
All special assignments from the Manager of the Building.